Friday, October 03, 2008

Told you I would be back soon!

Coffee was great so was the very small (ahem!) piece of Battenburg cake I had to dunk in it! Man, with all this blog candy floating around we are going to get so fat fat FAT, BUT DO I LOOK BOVVERED?? (said of course in my best Catherine Tate impression) (OK I know its soooooo last year dahlings!!)

The lovely Lim, not only makes simply amazing cards, not only will she inspire the glitter off you, NOT ONLY has she some fabulous pictures of Miami Beach on her blog, but has some gorgeous candy to give away too...go have a look if you don't believe will not be disappointed!

Ok best go do a bit more XX

Good Morning Lovely Bloggers and Bloggees

Well the sun is not shining but life is good here in King's Lynn. Busy working, as you can tell!! I am a little miffed cos one of the guys at work asked me to make a card for his wife for their anniversary, which I did, and although I say it myself it was pretty good. I am miffed because I didn't take a picture of it. I have given it to him and he's b******ed off now so I cant ask for it back...derrrr anyway, you'll just have to take my word for it that it was the best card ever made in the world....EVER!!! lol. He liked it, thats the main thing. He is paying me for it on Monday, I have told him what it cost to make and said anything over that will go to charity anyhow so Ill leave it to him. Anyway...nuff of that!

Paul is OK, looks like they will be leaving the rest of his pancreas for a while, and removing his parathyroids as they are now acting up. I'm so glad he has Vicky now as I know she will be there to help him in his recovery. Parathyroid op is fairly straight forward, I had it done myself a while back. JUST think if I didn't have that op, I might never have met Roz and Mandy!!

Okie dokie its CANDY TIME!!!!!!!

get yourselves over to where Marlene not only has a great blog with some fabulosso inspiration, she also has a great blog with scrumptious candy!! She's celebrating a BIG birthday next week, but I reckon she's fibbin cos there's no way that lady looks THAT age!!! lol Most people would want to look that good when they are 25, let alone 40!!!!

Righty ho Im going for a coffee but will be back later with a bit more candy for you!!


Thursday, October 02, 2008

Blog candy Alert!!!

Its absolutely DELICIOUS so head on over to say hi to Gill at Dollie Dewdrop ( I WANT THAT NAME!!) and leave her a comment. Her blog is well worth a visit so linga longa while...

Thanks to everyone who joined in my PPPP yesterday and left me cheery uppy comments. Of course it never rains in my life, it PIDDLES down! Paul (son) has been summonsed to the hospital today...they may be doing an op to remove the rest of his pancreas. So GREEDY these surgeons! Anyhoo I shall wait and see what happens there cos that will have a humungous bearing on what happens to me cos I aint going nowhere or having anything done until he's fixed good and proppa!

waahhhhaaaaaaaaay I balanced the petty cash first go (and only 2 days late!!)

On a sad note, well, not so much sad now but you now where Im coming from, today is the anniversary of the day Paul's father, Tony died. Its been 26 years. Hope you are resting in peace Tony xxx. He would have been 51 next week. I hope he is looking down and being ultra proud of his son!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Paula's Pancreatic Pity Party

Ok, lets be positive,,,I will have a while off work so I can just craft away. Ill lose weight, be able to lie in in the morning, get flowers and choccies, and I will never get pancreatic cancer. On the down side, its going to 'kin hurt!! Paul is still hurting although i reckon he did too much at the start and there is absolutely no way on earth I am going to be doing what he did!! Some of you know what Im talking about but to anyone who is wondering, tumours have found to be lurking in the murky depth of my pancreas. Apparantly benign..phewwwwwwww. Docs words "operation may be a possibility", wont know till I see her on 17th. Still, it cant be all bad or they would have me in now and whipping the old organs out as we speak! Chances are spleen will have to come out too..

Onto good things..I have received my stampin up order and I love the Hostess gift.. yummy yummy - no not chocolate, stampzzzzzz!

I need my mojo back (did I ever have any??) ASAP so I can think of lovely creative ways to use them.

Still no leccy in my shed, Mark has had other things to do, so we must get that sorted soon, cos I cant craft by moonlight now can I??

What else can I tell you? hmmmm oh yup, just been invited to a scary party...fancy dress..ill go as a witch so wont need to

So, thank you for joining me in my pity party, any cheery uppy comments will be gratefully accepted!!

Aquarium Clock

Countdown Clock