Well things happen in threes they say and three horrible things have happened, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday!! So that's it no more!!
Monday I found out I was being made redundant. Three years with the company and out on the scrap heap..but refuse to get down and want to make something positive out of it. Firstly, economising, well we knew for ages we would have to do it anyway so this is the sharp short shock we need. Mark is so very supportive and I know we will get through this together. Secondly, improve my crafting. OK A lot of my new found spare time will be devoted to job hunting, butrather than sit and wallow I will try and improve my craft work. Thirdly, give up smoking and improve my overall health. So there you have it. I wont go into the oether things because they concern other people, but no one is hurt and no one died, and will work themselves out, I just didnt need that on top!
So...keep your fingers and toes crossed for us that we make it through..Thanks for listening XX (Food parcels gratefully accepted!)