Firstly, thank you to those who read my previous post and made a difference. A few more kids will have smiles this Christmas thanks to you!
Secondly, I am a bad blogger I haven't been here for a while basically cos I keep forgetting to take pix of my makes and secondly I have been feeling like the proverbial poo.
Being told I have pancreatic neuro endocrine tumours, and lots of them has knocked me sideways. I'm not even too sure what it all means but to be told you have these gremlins in your body is a bit of a shock. It looks as though it will be a total removal of the offending pancreas and all the bits that surround,,,spleen, bile duct, gall bladder and part of stomach and intestine. the very fact I am not seeing my consultant till Jan 16th is quite comforting though. I am finding it increasingly difficult to be positive at the moment so please send me those vibes ladies and gents!
One positive note..10 to 12 pounds of instant weight loss in one
Christmas cards...I have still not got any more made and doubt I will get the chance now, so I want to say a public thank you to all those who have sent me cards. Marion if you read this your card is gorgeous and I will be emailing you later sweetheart!
I still manage to get to quite a few blogs for a good read, cry, laugh inspiration etc etc and do TRY and leave comments but you all know how it takes over sometimes.
Well, best get back to ANOTHER docs apt this afternoon, WHEN will it all end??
Enjoy the run up to Christmas!
Be back soon XX
PS I hope to find some more candy for you all later XX
Simon Says - Tweet Friend March 2025 Card Kit
8 hours ago
{{{Paula}}} Here's to making a nice, peaceful CHristmas season before you have to Deal with the Docs in the new year...
I just can't get into the Christmas spirit, and I don't have your excuse Paula. I hope you can get through the next month or so without too much pain.
Sending you big hugs Paula... sorry I've not been around for a bit either, my cold has been so strange! I wish it would hurry up and go, lol.
Love you loads.
Love Roz xx
Hi Paula:
I don't even know what to say - you have been through so much already Paula. I just asked in another blog post of yours how you were doing ...... I should work from the bottom up and not the top down (I'll have to stand on my head [lol])
I wish I could wave a magic wand for you Paula - and make everything better.
Glad you received the Christmas card, Paula and like it.
Do take care and know that I am thinking about you.
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