It was big and round and shiny and WARM. I had to call a couple of the girls out to see it in case my eyes were deceiving me!
Well, I'm getting fed up with me. I sat and coloured 2 images with my prismas last night and just couldn't get it to go right! I had a vision of what I wanted but it didn't translate very well from brain to hand. Oh well..if at first you don't succeed...try again. I guess I'm getting a bit despondent know when you post stuff and hardly anyone looks or comments. I guess I just need a boost now and then. In my journey through the land of blog I do try and read all my updates and try and comment on as many as my annoying connection at work will allow, cos I know how good they make you feel...anyway enough of this wallowing is self pity. Ive had my daily dose!
Talking of blog land..I am so completely and utterly gobsmacked by the amount of stunning creativity going on in the world of craft. You take one sketch .one challenge .and people all over the world come up with their own interpretation and its amazing! I do not have the confidence or indeed the talent to join in with these challenges, but glad to see Roz and Shell are taking part...they are both so good at what they do (I name them specifically as I have known them for eons). I have so many blogs in my reader, I can barely get and each blog links to other amazing blogs...and so on and so on...ok I'm rambling and should be doing the payroll - just waiting for one itty bitty form and then I can get on!
Oh yes got the date for my endoscopy - 29 September ...the letter actually said 2009 but they made a typo so that's something to look forward too!! Got to go to Addenbrookes for that - what a pain!
Yipppee itty bitty form has turned up so I can get on...thanks for "listening" (if you got this far!)
Paula XX
PS Note to self to ask Roz how she does her siggy thingy
Simon Says - Tweet Friend March 2025 Card Kit
8 hours ago
Now here Mrs I will nothing of this nonsense.....I want to see you entering for challenges....your cards are fabby....why don't you make a start with the fabulous challenges on Penny Black will find the link on my blog....just so happen to be on their DT but it is a fab site and everyone is so will be looking for you next week.
Paula you daft bat! Your cards are great!!!! Keep uploading them to show us here and on the group.
Siggy thing on my blog... go to the site that makes the backgrounds, you can click on it from the top of my blog (The cutest blog on the block), and then click on blog secrets and you find the instructions there chicken.
Love Roz x
I'm here!
Please don't give up; it takes awhile sometimes to get people looking and reading your blog. Your projects are great and it's fun to read!
You might try participating in blog challenges; you'll make many new bloggin' connections and they in turn, will discover you!
Paula I am sooooo behind on my Blog reading...there are over 1000 waiting in my Reader, and I haven't blobbed myself for a month or more. I know how good your cards are, and I know you know I know, so if I don't get round to commenting for a bit, take it as read, will you?
Don't listen to Kath.. Come over to Basic Grey Challenges.. or Sassy Crafts' DT challenge is open to others! hehe ;o) Just kidding.. Penny Black is OK, too! ;o) You should definitely be having a go. The challenges force you to stretch your skills, and I'd defy anyone to say that their skills have not improved by doing the challenges. Not that yours need to, of course, but it might boost your confidence.
Chris xx
Well thanks for all your lovely ego boosting I am SOOOO NEEDY!! I had plans to enter a couple of challenges but life and orders got in the way. None of the cards I made were suitable. I WILL I WILL enter a couple between now and Chrimbo XX
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